Definetly not the best in the line of simpsons games, but not the worst...
User Rating: 7 | The Simpsons Wrestling PS
The simpsons have done platformers, drivers, hell, even non-linear-car-related adventures.But of them all, the one game that people will say "WTF" after playing is the simpsons wrestling. In all truth, it isn't awful, in fact, i never said it was bad. It is just....weird. In what other game does Homer get kick the crap out of Ned Flanders, or have lisa smash Kang? Hell, you can even play as Itchy and Scratchy. That's about it, im afraid. The gameplay is a little odd, the wrestling is more kickboxing with a pin then real wrestling (im a wrestling enthuasist) but hey, its the simpsons! The difficulty get annoying, but its the simpsons! Arggh, its hard to mask it. The ONLY redeeming factor is the fact that is it simpsons. A bunch of simpsons characters, arenas, and still, annoying gameplay, awful music, and unsuperior controls. If you get get it for free, take it for fun, but if it has a price more than $2.00, leave it. D'oh! - - skalokos (ps. the simpsons rule)