Nice Expansion!
The pets (dogs and cats only I think) can have jobs just as the sims do. they can also breed.
I was amazed to see the variety of breeds for both the dogs and cats. That's a plus right there.
And plus there are lots of items u can buy go your pets: house, bowls, play toy and many more..
U can even teach them new tricks which are essential for them in get promoted in their occupation.
One thing that annoys me is they destroy any thing they get there hands on. (it's life so i can't hate)
the downside of the expansion is that u can normally control them as u do with a sim. you'll have to control them by the command from a sim. thisI can see is very stressful and tedious.
I was amazed that the rumours were right there is a track of the **** CAT DOLLSt - DON"T CHA on the POP station.
Overall the expansion is great. this addition. can't wait to see what sims2 seasons has to offer.