Another Sims. *Yawn*. stop throwing the expansions out, I'm trying to sleep!

User Rating: 7 | The Sims 2: Pets PC
Well, it's another one. And just when you thought no more Sims could come out...guess what? The Sims 2: Pets is EA Games new (and I use that term very lightly) game, or create your own simulation thing. Hey, now I know where they got that name from! Sim-ulation. Okay, back to the review. There is what all sims games would have, the house, the garden and dog s*** lying everywhere. It gets a bit of a pain once in a while, but mostly it shares what other Sims games had. You don't have jobs this time and most of your time is spent at home looking after your "pets". I wonder if there is a way to kill them? It gets repetitive after a while, and I should seriously consider buying things that are good and fresh ideas.