Well, it's another one. And just when you thought no more Sims could come out...guess what? The Sims 2: Pets is EA Games new (and I use that term very lightly) game, or create your own simulation thing. Hey, now I know where they got that name from! Sim-ulation. Okay, back to the review. There is what all sims games would have, the house, the garden and dog s*** lying everywhere. It gets a bit of a pain once in a while, but mostly it shares what other Sims games had. You don't have jobs this time and most of your time is spent at home looking after your "pets". I wonder if there is a way to kill them? It gets repetitive after a while, and I should seriously consider buying things that are good and fresh ideas.
The Sims phenomenon seems to know no limits. After gracing us with three interesting expansions for The Sims 2, EA and Maxis take the virtual life a step further with sim pets. As you enter the Create-A-Sim screen, yo... Read Full Review
This expansion pack, in my opinion, has not made me super excited and happy immediately after I got it. After tinkering with Pets for a while, I wondered, "Huh, that's it?" What I feel is lacking is the large a... Read Full Review