This game will have you hooked for quite some time so beware.

User Rating: 8.9 | The Sims 2 Seasons PC
Ok well,you must be woundering ''Aww geez not another expansion pack for The sims.''Well do I have news for you!This expansion packs is suprisingly one of the best ones to buy up to date.If your the type of person who doesn't want to blow a bunch of money on expansion packs this is the one you absolutley need to pick up.The concept of this game is so simple yet so satisfying,the name says it all...Yep you got it The sims now has seasons.When you first play the game you will notice there is a neighborhood River Blossom hills.Just a neighborhood to start you up with the new content and such.And well judging by most of everyone who first starts up the game they will probaly pick the Create a family button well im just assuming that aspect.Oh don't forget the ''Does this expansion pack comes with new things to wear?'' thought.The answer is yes.There is a new wardrobe section called ''Outerwear.''This helps your sims too prevent from freezing there asses off.We'll too get into more realistic matter roofs are finally important.Put one in to prevent your sims from freezing,plus you wouldn't want to have snow in your house would you?Ok,now this is were the fun and addiction comes in.Feel like making that snowman with your family in the cold?Go right ahead.Or do you feel like catching some fish for that special meal?These are the new activities you and your family can have in different seasons.Gardening,yes don't let me forget about gardening.By far the most addicting part of the game,whether your harvesting crops or trees for a more special meal for your sims this is a really fun and addicting feature.Don't get me wrong I don't have much of a green thumb myself but I love it.

For all the rest of the new features in this game I left out figure it out by yourself.The sims 2 seasons is really a great expansion pack and it really suprised me when I first got the copy.It will probaly do the same for you.Buy this expansion it gives sims such a new look and feel.