A highly anticipated game for any skilled gamer and highly addictive. A brilliant buy for anyone!!!

User Rating: 9.1 | The Sims 2 Seasons PC
This exspansion pack just makes The Sims 2 games even better bringing, the highly anticipated weather feature to the game. With great lighting added to reflect different seasons and actually snow and rain which doesn't sound much to a person who has not played the sims 2, but to the fans this is a massive step forward which makes the game more realistic and certainly more enjoyable. It also brings many hiden features such as plant people if your sims get too addicted to gardening, (then again who doesnt). It offers players a lot more to do in the game like snowball and water balloon fights and many many more features, their is also a temparature bar which is related to the selected sim which you must monitor to avoid freezing or burning, which is fun to watch for a bit but then you feel a burst of guilt, not really. Freezing is so funny.

Overall the best exspansion pack to be out for the sims 2 bringing many great features and different careers etc. If you have the sims2, this exspansion pack is a must have, it adds a whole new dimension to the game. Fantastic.