Dumb and Dumber
I was also amazed at how STUPID these sims are getting, its like they all have the Homer Simpson syndrome. With every passing expansion they get dumber and dumber. Examples; 1. Sims will still swim in outdoor pools in the winter. 2. Sims will have water balloon fights outside in the winter. 3. Both of these above things are the STUPIDEST things to do in the winter months. (and out door hot tubs will NOT warm them up) 4. The weather forcaster is hardly ever right!! (i guess it depicts real life)
I'm still waiting for the glitches, you know there will be a few or 40. It boggles the mind on how many glitches these expansions have, EA has only been making these for how many years now...guess that's where the "intelligence" of the sims come from...
Still a very cool (pun intended) addition to the Sims 2 games, and finally something different (unlike pets, or nightlife which were just slight changes to sim 1 expansions to make them seem different). I like the fact that we get to have expansions that had the fun of the first one but Seasons is FINALLY something truly different and unique. Of course with Seasons you will find a bit more lag in the game unless you have a super computer beyond this universe. (that is saying you have all the expansions and stuff packages as I do).
I can't wait to see what happens to my sims if I leave them cold, so far one has only turned blue and since I hadn't saved my game yet I didn't want to see what would happen. Can't wait till summer, which unlike where I am right now, can happen whenever I want.