A great addition to the Sims 2. If you have a great computer.
The Graphics are great. If it’s raining then you can see water on top of your Sims roof. If it’s hailing a little too much the ground turns white as those sim killers keep falling. Leaves fall in fall and it snows in winter. In which they added Lighting. If it’s fall you get an orangeish background for fall and if it’s about to rain you get cloudy skies. Anyway it’s good. The reason it isn’t a perfect 10 is that you will need the best computer to fully enjoy it. Also with the new EP they added Fish in the water (will be explained in the Gameplay section) and pool reflections. If your computer can handle it. If your computer can’t handle it then you can still fish just you won’t be able to see them. Sound 10 out of 10
The sound has been good for the seasons. In winter you can hear the Howling wind and in spring if it’s raining you can hear the rain and maybe some lighting to. Keep your volume low for when it’s thunder storming. Since it’s very loud like real thunder. If it’s hailing you can hear the pellets hitting the roof. The Sims still speak simlish so nothing new there but they did add a lot of attention to the detail of it.
Gameplay 8 out of 10
Ok now in Seasons you have your basic seasons. Spring, summer, fall, winter. Spring increases Romantic interactions, summer is the time for friends, fall is the career building time, and winter is there for you to tie your family bonds. Also with the game they added a temperature bar. So if you go outside in winter in your undies chances are you are going to get cold. So then your temp bar decreases and if it reaches the bottom your sime will freeze. So that’s why they added the Outerwear clothing category. SO in Winter your sim will atuomatilcy dress in there outerwear for winter. So if your in summer get out of those outerwear and change into that summer clothing. Uless you want to have heatstroke. Seasons last 5 days and they transaction like real wether. The snow won’t magicly disappear right away. You might have to wait a bit for the snow melts away. Roof are very important now. Us simmers have always forgotten are roofs but since raint doesn’t fall you didn’t have to worry. But now that Rain does fall it is a big issue. So unless you want your sim to freeze to death whuile using the bathroom ok then. The EP also adds 6 yes 6 new careers. Gamer, Adventurer, Journalsim, Music, education, and Law. Now those annoying little lakes now have a perphes. When you make your pond wide and deep enough fish start appearing (if your computer can handle it) and you can now fish in which there is a new talent badge for fishing. So when you catch fish eat then or mount them on the wall. Another great feature is Leftovers. Your sim spent the whole day cooking Lobster for the Headmaster and now your just going to throw it away. Well now a new feature let’s you put always leftovers. In which anybody (excluding babies and toddlers) can grab the leftovers. So no more starving children. Gardening is also a big inclusion. You can garden many different plants and fruit trees to get some tasty fruits from them. When you harvest them go ahead and toss them in the Juicer and get many different juices with many different affects. If you don’t want that pesky snow or hail to destroy your plants just make a green house. If your plants get infested with bugs then spray them dead or the greenhouse. Beware, Use to much pesctside and you to might become a Plant. The reasons I gave gameplay 8 is that the temp bar gets in the way of things. If you use the Hot tub your Sims will get hotter and hotter till them spuntansly combust (yes it can happen) and constantly your Sims will take showers since showers put the temp bar at a comfurble temp which gets very annoying. Also many glitches as well but in case everything is good.
Seasons is a great ep with some problems but Patches will come out to fix them. But for now if you have a nasty computer don’t get this. If you have a great computer you will have the most fun ever. Final Score-9.0