Youll spend hours playing but just that hours unless you get the true feeling for this game..

User Rating: 8.5 | The Sims 2 PC
WARNING! If this is your first time trying this kind of games measure your time playing it don't spend more than 6 hours or you'll be sorry!!
So i have been playing for a couple of weeks now and at the beginning i didn't like this game much, i just wanted to try it out. But the as time passed by i realised what a good game i have been missing all this time, but ill be honest with you guys... this game unless you like life simulators/ or any other simulator it'll be hard for you to like it, you will need a lot of time to spend on this game to advance from a baby to an old man. But its up to you i really like this game but i dont want to spend the rest of my life playing a simulator, know what i mean? Plus you will need a little space if you want to get the expansions (don't know how many are i think like 8 ...? ) but still sims 2 is a great game on its own you just have to get the feeling for the game ;) remember not to play more than 6 hours or you'll be officially adicted just like me :D