Ahhh, the introspective nightmare that is The Sims 2. The original game was extremely fun, the sequel even better. But, maybe this time it's gone too far; the game has descended into madness. As a college-age person, this expansion seemed to be perfect for me. I went in, created a little guy with a beanie and a little goatee, with a dragon tattoo on his left arm - and he looked exactly like me ( I wear a beanie, have a goatee and a dragon tattoo on my left arm )! Creepy. The realization that I was becoming way too immersed in the game began to dawn on me. The Sims 2: University had taken my soul and wrapped it up into somebody with relatively few and simplified wants, fears and needs. I realize now that that's all life is... sleep, get up, take a shower, watch TV, go to school, hang out with friends, eat, repeat ad infinitum. The most horrifying additions are the musical instruments. You see, I've been playing bass for about seven years, and my character plays it, as well. Another frightening reflection of real life. Seriously, the implications upset my stomach for hours. Madness! I started to think about myself as a sim; for example, when I was hungry, I would think something like "Oh, gotta get that hunger bar back up to full before my general mood rating starts falling!" Or, I would take my cue to go to the bathroom from the game itself! My character would need to use the restroom, which would remind me to use it. I had lost my grip on reality. In short, if you have never played The Sims in it's many iterations, stay away! These excellent games will suck you in and steal your soul and drive you insane! But, hey, if you're already a brainless Sims zombie like me, University adds a whole new experience to the game and is definitely worth buying.
This game adds alot to the best game ever: The Sims 2. It probably does add the most stuff, such as Gutairs, the option to streak, Aspiration/Career rewards, Tips, Zombies, Death Phone, Dorms, Cofee shops, secret societi... Read Full Review
finally, sims can have the much desired college education! it's fun, your sims get, um let's say, "extra life" by attending college. classes are fun to attend, instead of scrolling up to see how many days left as an ad... Read Full Review