Fun, Fun, Fun!
User Rating: 9.4 | The Sims 2 DS
This game is really fun if u like the sims. It's pretty much like at first got in a car accident and you are going to run a hotel. You have to custimize a sim then play. When people get angry or something like that you always want to cheer them up otherwise, they will diss u. Like if u buy an art room, and paint a picture, if there mad they'll buy it and say I want to burn this it's horrible! If they're in a good mood then they will buy it and give a compliment and pay more. The people are all very demanding though usually about that they lost there cell or something. But u get to play the lottery and get money like that. A lot of the times the "goons" or aliens will be in town and you have to get rid of them.