The Sims 2 it's a computer game. It's the sequence the popular game "The Sims". It's a very vast continuation in relation to the previous version and with some updating's!!! It's completely in 3D and differently of the previous versions the personages remain old, have proper personality and genetic traces that can be passed to its children. The Sims ages through six only periods of training of life:just-been born, baby, child, adolescent, adult, adult young (only for who he has the expansion Life of College student) and aged. The game is very good... if they do not have it, buy-in
There are over 600 player reviews of EA's "The Sims 2" online on GameSpot. The average score is 9 out of 10, which is exceedingly good. The rating is well deserved for this worthy successor to the original Maxis master... Read Full Review
Ever wish that if your house caught fire, all you had to do was quickly exit to the neighborhood without having to save and the second your back in your house, the fire is gone and everything was back the way it used to ... Read Full Review