The Sims 2 University is very cool as I said the idea of putting a University where young adults can go when they are finished high school is incredible. I mostly like the fact that when you are finished University you get a diploma that goes into you career reward, I mean most of you guys would agree with me on this. I made my girl in this game finish University and then she fell in love with the most coolest guy in The Sims 2 University. My most favorite thing I like to do in this game is cheat, Most of you guys out there would also find this cool.
This game adds alot to the best game ever: The Sims 2. It probably does add the most stuff, such as Gutairs, the option to streak, Aspiration/Career rewards, Tips, Zombies, Death Phone, Dorms, Cofee shops, secret societi... Read Full Review
finally, sims can have the much desired college education! it's fun, your sims get, um let's say, "extra life" by attending college. classes are fun to attend, instead of scrolling up to see how many days left as an ad... Read Full Review