i have jsut started playing the university pack annd so far im really enjoying thegame. although with the college life you either get good grades and have less fun or you can party out right and your grades will suffer. im trying now in the game to find a medium for my sims because college life is suppose to be fun but at the same time i want the sims to be successful at their college majors. also in college life there are tons of things to do on campus like join sorriorities and throw wild sports parties and even earn some money to help with your college expenses.
This game adds alot to the best game ever: The Sims 2. It probably does add the most stuff, such as Gutairs, the option to streak, Aspiration/Career rewards, Tips, Zombies, Death Phone, Dorms, Cofee shops, secret societi... Read Full Review
finally, sims can have the much desired college education! it's fun, your sims get, um let's say, "extra life" by attending college. classes are fun to attend, instead of scrolling up to see how many days left as an ad... Read Full Review