The creator of The Sims is becoming overwhelmed by money probley!

User Rating: 6.9 | The Sims 2 GC
The game is great. If you can escape the fact Will Wright (creator) is trying to advertize his games in his games! When you first start off the game there is a poster staring the creator. Strange but it's been done. When you play the computer, 2 of Sims games and a new upcoming simulation called Spore is played by the sim. That is just destracting.

I got the game to play in a world just like Earth and not even know I'm doing it. But when Will is advertizing his games in such a game it's like a newspaper thrown at you reading " Your Playing The Sims! Your Not In Real Life!" Also to add with the problems, there are no children in the game. That is just disapointing. If I bought the Sims, I should have bought a simulation of life. But this time around, I bought a cheap knock-off! I would have liked to have an actual family for my Sim.

The glitchs are alike and kicking! While speading through tasks with the fast-foward button you will the sim stop and get stuck as the Sound FX keep going. This game is fun if you can escape these 3 problems......