Who didn't play with dolls/action figures as a kid, seriously?
Graphics: One of the things that most everyone looks at.. Well, they are what everyone looks at and in The Sims 2, they are definatley a good thing to look at. You've basically got control over everything in your Sim world, and it looks like it too. Graphics are good!
Sound: The languge in this game is awesome. There are some sounds that can get repetetive and annoying (telephone...) but its okay, you can simply delete the item that causes the problem.
Gameplay: You control a sim (or group of sims) and run their lives, pretty much. This is very reminiscent of the good ol' doll house days we all experienced as children. (Be it playing with the barbies, or playing with the GI Joes that dated the barbies.. or.. whatever)
Except now you get to build the houses, decorate them, and make the people that go inside them. Very fun.