A fun sequel that will be fun for the first 2 months

User Rating: 8.3 | The Sims 2 PC
The SIms 2, maybe on of the biggest sequels ever. IT does a lot of things that made the first one great even better, but leaves you wanting more. Although some of the expansions will resolve the problem, who wants to pay more money for what should have already been in the original package? I sure don't. All in all, you should buy it if you like the series and are willing to buy a few expansions, for the rest of you, you may want to look this title over first before buying it.

The gameplay of this sequel is pretty much the same. It expands on everything taht you would want it to. Instead of just cooking a meal, you can choose waht to cook and it will can vary on how much it will take to prepare and how much it will fill up your sim. Work in this sequel hasn't really been changed much. All there is, is the choices that can either give you a promotion or can get you fired. You still can't play at work, but there's gonna be an expansion for that, for another $30. Character development is much better. You can change how big a persons forehead is and how big someones eyes are. However, there is no way to change a sim's height and the overall number of clothing is pretty small. The number of social interactions has been increased pretty high, and is pretty interesting. I also like how the sim's can tell you how they like other sim's and their lifetime moments. The whole aspiration thing is fun, but on the repetitive side. After a while, you'll have to make sure that the needs and wants are both made with the small amount of time that you have. As I have already said, this game will last on your hardrive for about 2 months and then, poof! You'll be done with it. Gameplay: 7/10

The graphics in this game are 10x better than they were before. The environments are amazingly detailed and it is really nice to see that they put a lot of effort to make the camera work better and for the game to look awesome. The only real problem here is that the faces can look really odd when you are up close. But everything else looks realistic witha bit of a cartoonish taste to them. I am really glad to see that this interface is so user-friendly. Graphics: 9/10

Sounds can really help immerse you into a game and this is succeeded well. The sounds seem like you're really in someone's home. Someitmes the music can get old, after your 100th time playing, which you'll reach in about one and a half months. The sound effects when cooking are the best in the game. When someone is whipping up dough it acutally sound like it! Believe me, you'll get immersed after you start life mode, guarateed.
Sound: 9/10

I think that if you have ever played the sims before, you may want to wait a while to get this game because it doesn't offer you much more than what the first one already has. Anyway, the packages for the first are a much better value than getting this one. You'll have what this one has only with less custom options and worse graphics. If you've never played the first, I'd reccomend this to you. You'd be enthralled for a long time and will probably want to get some of the expansions, too. Those taht are content with the first, wait a year. Value: 8/10

Most people will find that this game is cheery and fun, without being annoying. It has great custom features, while being a bit of a let down with a shortage of improvements. Buy it if you want to invest in the expansions. IF you don't fell like doing that, wait a year for prices to drop or just get the first series. Probably 80% of the people that buy this game will be happy with it to some degree yet will still be wanting more from it. Tilt: 9/10

That's is a true review. I liked the game, sure. It just came up a little short with my expectations, that's all. Buy it, I reccomend it. It can last you from 2- infinite months. Just remember, it's far from revolutionary, only a pretty good improvement.