Disappointing but still good.
User Rating: 6.8 | The Sims 2 XBOX
I was really looking forward to getting The Sims 2. I don't know why but there's just something about putting all my friendsa in a house and making them kill each other that really makes me happy.... but this one did leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. Let's get something out of the way first. I have never owned a PC version of The Sims. So, straight away, I am at a disadvantage to everyone else. when I was told a console version of The Sims was coming out I was pleased to say the least. I was told of how there were birth/death cycles, many more interactions, better furniture, better furniture really. But now I own the console version I know that many things have been left behind in the transition from PC to XB. There is no birth/death cycle, the interactions between Sims isn't that major, (who the hell thought of the Sock Puppet?) and the furniture is really just the same as the Sims furniture with a slight upgrade, and the ability to control your Sims directly is an unwanted one. I want to play The Sims 2 the PROPER way. So, after initial disappointment I continued to play. As I started to get more drawn into the experience I started noticing the little tweaks in the game-aspiration points. Although relatively useless at the start of your Sims life, as you get further on into the game you will realise that these make a major difference to the game. These work simply and effectively-your sim might want to dance, say. So you buy a stereo and make him dance. He now wants to dance with 4 people. So you have a party. This encourages you to do more fun things with your sims, and also gives the player more challenges to do, instead of the usual, eat, sleep and talk. Overall, if you don't own The Sims on the PC and don't intend to get it, then give it a try on the Xbox. If you do however, then avoid this-it the same, except worse.