This game was very fun in the beginning; the idea of sending your sims to college was really awesome. But after having one sim graduate, it became a task. And then it hit me; it was just your sims in a different place with other people living there that you can't control. It slowed down your computer ALOT if you didn't have a fast one. It is nearly impossible to have two sims live together and graduate. I suppose it was worth it for the new items and other interactions, but that's about it. If you like the idea of having your sims study until you're bored with it (they have to stay for a few hundred hours) then this is for you. If you want to get the new items, then go ahead and buy it. But if you are in it for the college part, pass.
This game adds alot to the best game ever: The Sims 2. It probably does add the most stuff, such as Gutairs, the option to streak, Aspiration/Career rewards, Tips, Zombies, Death Phone, Dorms, Cofee shops, secret societi... Read Full Review
finally, sims can have the much desired college education! it's fun, your sims get, um let's say, "extra life" by attending college. classes are fun to attend, instead of scrolling up to see how many days left as an ad... Read Full Review