Reasonably outstanding. Reasonably outstanding computer required.
It takes up a beefy un-recommendable space on your Hard Drive, just leaving you enough to auto-save a text document in Microsoft Word.
The computer requirements are by far out of the blue, and with over 65% of the computer user population playing games with a family computer, with little or no graphics and power, it's hard to imagine The Sims 2 even exists anymore.
I had to take the game to a different level and purchase it for the PS2 to expect more from a good graphics engine, but this is the PC version, right?
I love The Sims, no lieing about that. I love creating a family, living in a dream home and doing what you wouldn't normally do in the anti-undo world we live in today, and that's probably the biggest buzz you'll get out of a game now a days.
The gameplay is understandable, the living and life space your permitted to have is amazing and it's un-completable!
Unlimited (phrase of speech, not exactly true) furniture, wallpapers and windows to chose from, and the added extra freedom of upto 5 floors in your residence.
The camera angles are the probably the best aspect of the game, but with a useless computer, the game doesn't get far at all.
I recommend you re-sit the decision to purchase this game, until your wealthy enough to buy a gaming computer and a neat Hard Drive that a lot of us crave to have...