It Gives Me Second thoughts on life, am I in a video game?
In the game the sims have moods (capturing reality). The sims need to shower, bathe, use the washroom. They even have to worry about their surroundings (environment). If you don't care for this stuff, they can end up doing something regretfull like going to work angry and get fired.
I only noticed 3 main problems in the game. First of all, you can't delete wall segments. What the heck do you do if you don't need a wall!? If you put a tree on your lot that extends towards the house, if close enough, it goes through the wall. The last one is that if you put movies into to the game to view on a sim's television, it has to be the right size and type. What if the file isn't the right type?
The Sims 2 is simply the best Sims game ever made. Its as simple as that.