The Sims2 kicks ass & takes names
Gameplay 9/10 - Making a game like The Sims 2 is no easy task, so while it has it's flaws it comes pretty darn close to an accurate A-Life simulation. For those new to the series, you get to choose though pre-made neighborhoods or ones you can make, from there you can play a pre-made family or made a new one from scratch, the same thing with households. From there you take control of the family, so literaly their life is in your hands, or finger-tips. Almost everything is interactable, & almost everything you do will affect your Sims life somehow. You can buy new items for your Sims to play around with useing their money or "simoleans" they get from jobs or other sources.
Graphics 9/10 - For 2004, the graphics are excellent, all the players models look pretty up-close but, can look ugly from a distence. While furniture & items look good from anywhere.
Sound 9/10 - The sound is great from the radio to the sounds from items to the language your sims scream as you kill them.
Value 10/10 - Obviously there is almost no limit to what you can do in The Sims 2. You can be a successful bussiness man, a pimp, an old lady living with cats for friends, make a Simish Desperate Housewives, or recreate your neighborhood, there's 100s of things to expariment with. Be sure to pick up extra expansion packs for added replay value
Tilt 10/10 - The game isn't for everyone but, it can be extremely addictive. So, if you can tolerate some slow down for parties and wacky glitches. Or if your life sucks so you want to create an alter ego, this game is for you. Oh & BTW The Sims 2 contains very little violence but, lots of censored sex