If you're reading this, then you've probably already read alot of the other great things that The Sims 2 holds. This game is great! Not to mention that it's highly addictive. Any complaints I have are things that can and probably will be fixed in expansions. I do wish that the aspiration system was less rigid. Personally I think it should work more like skills... allowing you to give your sim a mix of aspirations, possibly focusing in one area, but with a secondar goal as well. I've heard complaints about the music, but I like it. It definitely adds to the personality of this game. AS i flipped through the story pages for Pleasantville I felt like the soundtrack fit right in, adding that touch of ironic hunor the Sims is known for. I would like it if you could see your neighbors houses next dootr and across the street instead of miles of open land... but I suppose that's a hardware limitation than anything else and we'll just have to wait for the technology to increase. Overall, The Sims 2 has restored that magic the original Sims had.
There are over 600 player reviews of EA's "The Sims 2" online on GameSpot. The average score is 9 out of 10, which is exceedingly good. The rating is well deserved for this worthy successor to the original Maxis master... Read Full Review
Ever wish that if your house caught fire, all you had to do was quickly exit to the neighborhood without having to save and the second your back in your house, the fire is gone and everything was back the way it used to ... Read Full Review