Best game ever...

User Rating: 9.7 | The Sims 2 PS2
If you like flirting, free will, doing stupid stuff, making people waste money, or just trapping people in a wall until they wet themselves and die, then that setles it,this game should be in your arms right now. It is a addicting game that takes a little while to learn EVERYTHING, however once you know how to ply, its great. There are only two things that upset me, no, three. You cant make second floors, and you cant make pools. You also cat have kids, but I dont realy care. I'v e played it quite alot since I got it, mabye 20-50 hours in two days. Yes, I like vdieo games. Making a life for your sim is'nt easy, but it aint hard etheier. I sugjest that you sit all your sims on a couch, and read your head off on cooking. This is becouse your sims will do whatever they want when arent being hipnotised by you. If they cook and eat ad food, theyll die. However I like the afterlife you can scare people and when your done, you can bribe the reeper 100 bucks to bring you back, and if your creative, you can take his chalane and come back for free.

Overall buy the game. (if you want to die, buy a fireplace and dont lean t. then liht it and youll set on fire. you can also drink raw eggs, but that is , gross.)