Ooh, seasons. Oh... wait... game-breaking bugs. Why the hell did I pay EA/Maxis $30?!
This game is hopelessly broken.
I can't even begin to tell you how broken it is. I mean sure... it works. But it really doesn't. You can probably get MAYBE 2 hours in before you get some broken-ass bug that breaks your game with an immediate crash-to-desktop and forces you to reinstall if you ever want to play it again. For those who are lucky and do not get this dreaded bug, you are faced with further consequences. Do any of you Simmers here ever start a game and keep your house -EXACTLY- the same as you play? No? I thought so. Well, with Sims 3: Seasons, if you ever want to edit your house, there's a chance that you can't. But if you ever want to add that second story to your house because you're having a kid or whatever, you have a 100% chance of not being able to. Yes. It's absolutely wonderful.
This game has been out since the 1.42 patch, which is also just as broken as this game. To install it, you have to patch up to 1.42. So in other words, you get one really big clusterf**k of bugs that the support team at EA/Maxis refuses to fix.
But hey. Their priorities are set on pumping that next EP out in a month.
So do yourselves a favor and DO NOT get Seasons. It's a waste of money that will break your game and your saves... and not to mention your Sims 3 experience. If you must have Seasons, please stick with Sims 2.