An updated Sims that makes it hard to go back to its predecessor!
User Rating: 9 | The Sims 3 PC
After totally getting hooked on The Sims 2 and investing in most of the expansion packs I was definitely looking forward to getting into The Sims 3. When I first tried it out I was surprised. I wasn't sure if I could like it. The whole world advancing at once was hard to adjust to, but it is an awesome addition to the series. After adjusting the story progression settings and extending the lifespan of all the Sims I was able to find a balance to do what I wanted. It made it a lot easier to build up several families and watch them interact. The new trait system makes those interactions funny, challenging and really encourages you to create unique Sims. It is impossible to compare the old Aspirations of TS2 to the traits. Sims 3 really gives the Sims their own mind. If you see some hot female Sim you instantly like it might not be as easy as repeating the same interactions a dozen times. She might be a neurotic, grumpy, loner, (those or just some of the traits) so you might just have to settle for being friends before she lets anything else happen. The one obvious thing that Sims 2 and Sims 3 have in common is that they can both pull you into their worlds. Sims 3 just has a much bigger world for you to get involved in, and it makes it hard to go back once you've really given it a chance.