"The console version of The Sims 3 has its highs and lows, however it's still very enjoyable."

User Rating: 8 | The Sims 3 X360
Gameplay: If you've played The Sims 3 on the PC, then you'll most likely be disappointed with the console version in many ways. First of all, The gameplay suffers from a lot, AND I MEAN A LOT, of lag! Whenever you want to move your sim to another area or whenver you want to speed up time, there is a lot of slow down, skipping, and very loooooooong loading times, especially whenever you want to move to another location in the city. Another con is that if you don't move your sim for about 10 seconds, it will wonder aimlessly around and do something that it really doesn't need to be doing at that time. This occured to my sims' family numerous times. It's a good thing that you don't have to go to any menus to pause the game, now to pause it, you can just simply hit down on the d-pad. If you're a big fan of the Sims franchise, as I am myself, then you probably have noticed that in order to put money on the table and put food in your mouth, your sims have to get jobs! That's right, I said jobs. These range from a police officer, to a masseuse at the local spa and resort, to working at a corporation called, "A Million Monkey's Tower." All these sound interesting, albeit silly, but when your sims arrive at their job, you won't be able to see what they're doing! BUZZKILL! So you should know that this game is a life simulation type of thing, like in previous versions.

Presentation: The presentation is much better though! From the beautiful looking houses, to the town's scenery, it is all top notch. The sims themselves look really good as well, although they tend to wander aimlessly from time to time so be expected to lose track of them at anytime! The cute music also gives support to the wonderful graphics. And yes, the sims still talk in their cute, but hard to understand jibberish language! The only downside to this is that throughout the game, it tends to become very repetitive and you'll feel like you're talkiing to a broken record.

Verdict: The Sims 3 isn't up to par so to speak to the PC version. The game suffers from huge amounts of lag that bring the games' pace down a notch, and the overall look and feel of the game isn't what I expected, especially ince the PC version was so good and EA makes it! I don't know what EA was thinking, but maybe when The Sims 4 comes out, if it ever does, will hopefully be much better than this cheap spinoff of the game! If I were you, I would pass this one on to the trash heap.