fun, will suck you in , better than the last, controls not as bad as i thought. its all good.

User Rating: 8 | The Sims 3 PS3
EDIT: i would like to say that my first judgement of this game was low but after playin my view quickly chainged(similar to COD waw and MW2) pls remember thisis on ps3 lots of people say theres more room but think for a sec GTA and JC2 for example huge maps nearly no loadin but the AI dosnt need to calculate needs and house room unlike sims JC2 the AI is as thick as pig s*** and the buldings are mostly just blocks. AND install data 1st before people complain about loading times (same with GT5)

The Sims 3 for ps3 it a lot better than I expected it to be, because i wasn't a fan of indirect controls but they seem to have improved on them since last time, that being said I've only been on 3 other Sim's games (sims complete collection(pc), sims bustin out (ps2) and lastly one of my favs sims 2 pets (ps2)). I read someone's review that there is a random pizza glitch, that only happened to me once and it was more pro than con.
The main new feature I like is the wishes and opportunities, this give you aims for your sim and with the lifetime wish this give you a clear main goal to achieve. Another usefull (or negative) is the moodlets in witch you can pile on positive moods (witch is very useful for getting promotions) but if you slack you will pile on negatives.

For once in a sim game you can visit neighbours and go to your friend's houses (weather they let you in or not is a different matter,lol). Your probably wondering about what I think of karma powers well my view on them is neutral I have only used about 4 or 5 to quickly max out my sims mood stats (tiredness, hunger, social ect.) so there good for emergency's but over use can be bad or worse but I haven't epically over used them so my house only got mucked up(lots of cleaning).

There aren't many negatives to this game apart from high per speed up is quite slow and like all sims games it repetitive (but iv played Pokémon and FF allot so i am very used to repetitive games)
Well my over all view of this game is better than anticipated a well disserved 8.0.
p.s. if you get this game remember to save.