great game,really addictive,always fun to play a little sims.dont you think?well until you get depression!
like other sims you can build your house the way you want can add tiles, textures to the walls and so can actually built your own desired house in this game like never before,every tool in building mode helps improve the building structures and helps you add what you want where you want ,how you can buy furniture from TVs to toys for children.
the main purpose of the game is simple,you need to live life as you can,there are wishes that you can add to your wish list which can be maximum of 5 at a time,and then you need to complete the wishes to get karma the karma menu you can do good or bad things to your sims,such as bring a fires storm or make earth quakes,or be good and give money to your sims randomly or make your sims lucky.
at first you dont really have alot of karma powers open for use.
there is another option known as "challenge",you can check to see what you have achieved or what you can achieve and how you can do that challenge screen you can go to a shop and buy new stuff for the sims such as costumes or if you have alot of challenge points you can buy karma boosts and karma powers or new furnitures but dont forget you need to complete chaleneges to get challenge points.
in the game you can create a family get jobs and get paid, with the money you can improve your households,or you can buy other properties and homes to move to.
you can learn new skills as you live life in sims 3.skills such as painting ,cooking,fishing and so on,there are 10 levels for your skills and the 10th level is the maximum level of that you improve your skills you can do that action better next time and by doing that you can get paid better.for example learning fishing skills and then after you reach the higher levels of fishing skill,the fishes that you catch will be bigger and better and it will sell more.
as for the careers that you choose, you will get promotions and get more money for the hours you work.some promotions are difficult and needs you to do something to get the promotion. for example read a specific book.if you not attend the working days you could be fired from your job.
as life goes by for the sims,they can get to know more people and find more friends,and some friendships will lead to having girlfriends/boyfriends,and at last getting engaged,having children,dying,moving on and the cycle goes on and on until you get depression like me:P.thanks for your time