Remember the first Sims?

User Rating: 9 | The Sims 3 PC
This game is additive and lovely
While playing this game I look back at the old times, the first sims, the Goth family, and I just said to myself "damn, what a masterpiece". The first Sims amazed me, but the 3rd one just blew me away!

Pros and Cons


1. Great Graphics! It runs so smooth, I can watch my sim cook for hours, oh just for some of you guys who don't know The Sims run on PC and MAC incredible I find that real impressing!

2. Jobs, It's easier to get a raise these days, back in the day it required friends, now you can just zoom around and chat with your boss. Not to mention the style you can choose while working and making a relationship with your boss.

3. Upgrading, That is so kool, instead of having a vampire money-thirsty maid. I got a self-cleaning toilet!

4. Age, This is awesome, my guy can grow old now! finally I can have kids growing up, but that also mean other consequences.

5. Cell Phone, Finally a portable phone, instead of going for the far away 500 million light-years phone, you now have it in your sims tiny pocket!


1. IRL $ for Items? real money for exclusive items on The Sims and some people actully go out there buying them all, you might be one of them however may not.

2. Cheats, ruins the whole game pretty much even though it maybe fun the half minute, but honestly if this game didn't have cheats, it would be more long-term fun.

3. Cars aren't really important even though they give you a mood bonus, the cars are really pointless I think even thought they look nice.

4. Life's short, have some kids if you want to play longer.

This is my review, take deep interest!
I do recommend this game, but only for computers that can run it well
requires at lease 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0