The Sims from its best site. Combines aspects from the previous Sims with great detail-features.

User Rating: 8 | The Sims 3 PC
If you hear the name "The Sims" you remember tiny humans with a strange language and a complex with controlling their body. "The Sims 3" is no exception. Based on this "Sims-system" the new Sims offers new variants of creating your sim, customizing your house and telling your Sim how to live his life.
In case that everyone knows Sims and most of you played one, I don't need to say about the gameplay. Instead, I will tell you about the new features:
The, in my opinion, most remarkable feature is, that you can customize EVERY furniture. So you can change visual material, patterns, colours and when you're finished, you can save your own customized Item. So the green-flamed toilet with banana-pattern on the lid isn't a unfulfilled wish anymore.
Further, you can finally visit friends at their homes and you can organize parties outside of your house.
One cool feature is, that you can choose a wish at the born of a Sim, which he works towards in the time of his life. The fulfilling of this wish grants you "EXP".
With these "EXP" you can buy features for your Sim (per example you can make him more successful in his career).

All in all, "The Sims 3" is "highly addictive" in the first hours. "Time spent playing" is very variable, because it's up to you, how much Sims you want to create et cetera.
But I have to say, there aren't that much amendments. Basically your playing "The Sims 1", except better graphics and some new features.