The Sims 3 is a great game but it could hav been so much more

User Rating: 8.5 | The Sims 3 PC
The Sims 3 is a great game but it could hav been so much more.

In the new sims theyve introduced alot of new things that hav made the gaming experience better and worse at the same time. like the so called "Freedom of doing so many things" thats absolutely balony like if u put the sims settings to something like "free roam" ur sim will just do some mindless thing that will annoy the hell out of u and make their motives even more low which maks u hav spend another 30mins tryin to get their traits back up. Well thats enough of the negatives lets get onto the positives

Ill start off with the lifetime wishes. The liftime wishes gives the game some purpose and leads u to better places. with the lifetime wishesthey can be something as little as mastering a couple of skills or becoming an astronaut. There are heaps of possibilities. Now for the lifetime rewards i think they were a good addition to the game because they help so much but i recon the best one to get is the moodlet manager it just automaticly gets rid of all of the bad moods that ur sim may com up with.

I think the sims 3 wasn't as good as i thought it would but its a game worth lookin at