Great Sims game for the consoles
But before you can do any of that you have to create your character(s). There are many clothing, shoe, and accessory items in your possession at the beginning of the game but as you progress and meet new Sims and get new promotions you unlock more. The collection of clothes isn't very how do I say, in style. The game was made years ago and the style often reflects that. Some clothing items are supposed to be out there such as the numerous animal costumes and Sam Fisher headgear. You also give personality traits to your character such as neatness, shyness, messiness, etc. But a warning don't make your Sims too neat if you plan on having children they will be more focused on making a bed than tending to a crying child.
Game play is good but on the Gamecube as you fast forward sometimes there is delay or pause. Often if control is set on free will then the Sim will constantly eat which can out a dent in your pockets. Other than that the game responds nicely and has many features that gives you a long play time and a lot of replay value.