this game is a must it's fun easy and you can kill people so this game is like the sims expantion pack for pc more stuff more objects, cloths and social options if you have this game and are reading this gamespot has the cheats so go and print them off right now cool stuff awaits like a tv with 9 yes 9 screens a video game system thats projected in mid air more things like theres a stove were you actualy use the oven (you use it all the time sims to for ps2 aswell though) you can get things that have the simolian (money) sign on them like a pool chairs and a picture if you whant to have a super house that resembels money enter the visit all location cheat and check out malcoms place it's full of stuff that resembels money.
The sim bustin out is very great game and it has wayy more stuff to buy than the last game. It has a better story line mode thing and you can get a car and drive to some ones house. The graphics is wayyyy better than th... Read Full Review
Sims Bustin Out is a very addictive game but will eventually get boring. Bustin Out allows you to play single player or 2 player, single player will get very repetitive,especially on free play mode. The only thing that k... Read Full Review