Underrated, that is all I can say in this review deck.
Graphics: 7.3/10 (adequate) Not so bad for a simulation + puzzle game. Overall, the graphics are nothing to send this game back to the store for.
Sound: 7.8/10 (adequate) Like I said, the music isn't so bad once you get used to it.
Gameplay: 6.5/10 (average) The biggest flaw with the gameplay is that when you make roads, and you scroll accidentally, you would end up with a long, stretchy road you have to spend all you'r hard-earned cash, bulldozing it.
Value: 7.9/10 (adequate) I would spend money on this game, wouldn't you?
Replay Value: 6.0/10 (average) Like I said, sometimes loading back to a city is not worthwhile. But, if you like building cities and not coming back to em', this is the game for you.
Difficulty: 54/100 (middling) Huh... There is frustration in this game?!? Well, it can be difficult at times.
Overall: This game is for people who like building " Just add water" cities. This game is also unique in a way, mixing SimCity and Tetris together.
Well, I guess my work at this joint is done, stay tuned in for my next review.