Who chase two rabbits at the same time, will catch none.
My people have a word of wisdom: "At a praised orchard don't go with a wagon". This is my situation now. I was expected a feast, and, after almost 2 days of playing, I'm still hungry and more and more furious.
The Sims Medieval is lacking exactly what make the glory of the series: the game-play. Instead of a simulation with a huge liberty to choose how to play, you've got a very superficial combination of strategy with RPG. But, worst, with the biggest flaws of this two genres. Therefore, the game has the annoying repeatability of the classical RTS games (you know, when you start a new mission, you have to build and rebuild the same constructions). Concerning the RPG style, when finally your characters reaches some decent levels (above level 5), you have to abandon them because the game it is over. Incredible, a "The Sims" game can be over!!!! Stupid!!!
Of course, the producers can argue with me about the end. It's true, after the end of a set of missions, you have the possibility to go on forever, but I tell you: few will have the nerves to do that. The content it is thin, veeeeerrry thin. So, you will be bored fast.
THE PRO's: The graphics it is excellent, a little better than the original series one.
And, very important, the game never crashed.