1000nd's of souls winding themselves in endless pain and agony, constantly calling desperately for help in their misery.
Still the game was fun to play and addictive and lots of people played it just to gain one more skill, level, trait or furniture.
Since then time has passed and with it lots of quest bugs are gone, yet the game had massive slow downs which were impressive that it actually was a 2D game not exactly doing scientific computing.
Then after having bought a brand new machine with the latest hardware the game run flawlessly, so I restarted playing it.
What I didn't knew that moment was that since the very beginning when I was one of the first players of the game, they exchanged the quest bugs for nearly impossible quests.
Time is scarce and so you start adding completely unknown strangers onto your FB which soon are gonna spam your timeline with all kinds of on earth spoken languages.
By then, I was able to make 50 requests (!!!) twice a day, yet the deadline for finishing the quests so soon that I regularly had to directly message lots of people to finish them, effectively triggering FB's spam filter every second.
At one point in my life I had to aks myself: Is it really worth to give up peace in my life and pressure myself with Sims Social instead of really important things?
Syncing the harvest to my sleeping habits? To work? Should I really be happy about having two free days and think "Thank god those days I have off, then I'm gonna be able to finish these Sims Social quests!"?
Is it really fun to constantly beg and call and cry for help so that the whole world can see it for a single game?
Well I in my case prefer having jogging & running postings on my timeline instead of Sims Social desperation.