I like about this game is alot of stuff sure it is not the best game of all time.Yet the custimation is fun and easy to get into. But it is frustrating trying to get 4 sims in a balence. Another thing that was frustrating is the Abode bar. It would have been a better game with no Abode bar and better graphics and sound. Even though the story was not bad for the sims, yet that was not included in the PC version of the sims. All so far the Sims games on PC with the Sims and the Sims2, with expansion packs.I still say they could have done better. The difficulty is easier than Sims Bustin -out that one occupation job was better that the TSBO. Overall CLOSE ENOUGH!
Finally, the extravagent PC game has made it's move to the Gamecube Console. This has extremely helped out Nintendo's third party strength, which is in an extreme recession. The Sims for Gamecube features everything ... Read Full Review
I'm a fan of simulation-themed games: I love Animal Crossing, Populous, and even enjoyed The Sims on the PC a bit. But it seems that when EA made the jump from the PC to the GC, something went terribly wrong. Noticabl... Read Full Review