The sims for ps2 is actually one of my favorite games, the sims let you control your OWN family OR you can make up yout own sim family. In the sims, you pay the bills and all those things a family does. So The Sims brings my satisfactory level at its highest, because it is addictive. But the only thing is, is the graphics in the game THEY brought my review score down because the graphics just dont impress me! But the game is a MASTERPEICE and I reccomend to buy it, BUT if you are not a sim lover rent it first , or look at reviews and scores! But like I said at the start YOU CAN CONTROL THEIR LIVES that is what makes it intresting! So after all, the sims AINT boring.
I thought sims was a real good game it was hard if you didn't know how to live a normal everyday life I watch my little brother play it and I thought you better not get married and have kids the kids would be dead before... Read Full Review
I am a Sims fan,but I must admit that I was very disappointed with this game!! I found this game to be very frustrating and irritating to say the least!! I also own the Sims Bustin' Out game,and that is FAR BETTER than t... Read Full Review