Only fans of the show should buy this game.
Now the bad: It's repetitive as all heck. Most missions are of the "find ___" around a to somebody...fight to next area...fight some more guys, etc. The game is very short (6-8hrs). Maybe that's a blessing to some. Graphics are kind of dull. There's this one particular pointing gesture that Joey (and many of his adversaries) use all the time - you just have to laugh at stuff like that. And there seems to be a table saw sitting around every level. I know this is the PS2 and you can't expect too much but the main characters look just enough "off" that it didn't seem anything like "being a part of a Sopranos episode" despite what others have said. Although the main characters are here you won't find any of the female cast members or Uncle Junior, etc. You're never at Tony's house either. Getting Gandolfini and company was great but these guys aren't about to spend more than an hour laying voicework. This is one of the reasons why the game is so short. It's also why A.J is so prominant - if you took out all his "missions" the game wouldn't have lasted a whole Sopranos episode. The gunplay is very poor and maybe that's why they limited it to 2-3 missions. There is no driving in this game, everything is very linear (no freeroam). The loot you pick up is almost completely worthless. As is the Respect meter. I think once I got below 80%. Gave some money to Paulie and I was back at 100. Then I forgot all about it. I
The instruction manual used just 2 pages to explain the game. I'm serious. Even "Credits" ran 3 pages! Summary: I love the show so I did get some enjoyment out of the game. I play a ton of games but I wouldn't call myself an expert gamer or anything. If you love the show you'll want to at least rent this - If only to somewhat interact with Tony, Paulie, Christopher, etc. It's obviously not as good as any of the GTA titles but furthermore it doesn't rate with Getaway, Scarface, Godfather, Mafia or even True Crime.