Disappointing and Boring

User Rating: 3 | The Sopranos: Road to Respect PS2
This is my first review on Game spot, because I expected so much from this game and ended being so disappointed. I love the TV series and when I heard that they are making a game with the Sopranos I was overjoyed ( I think the only people that are playing the game are those who love the TV series ), the only good thing about the game is the voice acting, not for the dialogs, because they could make it more interesting, but for the actors, they are speaking the way we hear them in the show and this is great. The storyline is predictable and not open ended, they could make it in GTA style, but I think they saw the way The Godfather was "welcomed" by the critics and think it over, but I guess no gamer would taught that and we would loved it because everybody loves GTA and the liberty in it. The gameplay it's boring and doesn't have anything fun in it. You just have to beat the people who are standing in your way, and go from a mission to another with one push of a button, when u end one mission. You can't go in a car or on foot to explore the city, just because there isn't one to explore, you go from a mission to another without the liberty to chose witch one. The music its the one from the show, but after few hours of playing you will be bored. Per total the game is 100% license and 0% FUN.