Here's an Idea: Make a game based solely on a hit HBO series.
Good Characters: All the main characters are in the game that are associated with the mafia side. Not so much the family side. And also the characters are voiced by they're real life personas.
Nice scenery: The sets are all well put together, and well stuctured. Nice attention to detail.
Moves: The New Jersey Handshake, and the Costra Catnap are my favourites. Interactivity: Mostly everything in the levels are accesable. Want to take a leak, take one. Want to wash your hands after, wash them. Hate the song the DJ at the Bada Bing is playing, "convince" him to play another.
But thats were about all the Pro's end. Thats as good as it gets.
Between the same reoccuring extras, over and over again, to the lame dialogue between them, the interacation between the main charaters and the playable character are one sided. ie: "He y Joey, hows things?" Cue Italain stereotype saying. And it gows on and on and on. Sure you can choose between acting Tough, Neutral, and Smooth, but you get the same outcome from an of them.
Limited Space: The scenery is nice, but where's the free roam? I mean I walk out of the Bada Bing's Yard and magically the screne goes black and I'm back ther again. All the levels are, The Bada Bing, Vesuvios, The Pork Shop, Some porn Studio, A Dr's Office, A rave, A Warehouse, and A hospital. Some of them even reoccure.
The Moves and Shakes: Two maybe four diffrent punching combos, and thats it, you can switch it up with a finisher or elemental attack, but the get old fast. Oh and Taking on more then one guy at once, first guy grabs you and lets go, second one hits you, first one grabs and lets go, second hits you and so on. Shooting, unless your at point blank range, your not taking anyone down with one shot. Two at least with the pistol, and one with the shotgun. And the only body part you can hit is the torso.
INteractivity or NOt: The fighting shuts off the minute no in it around, no jumping pedestrians to mug them or anything like that, how is that any good? And the Dj only plays a few songs, thats it.
All in All, an okay game, but Rent, don't buy, and if you buy, wait for Wal-Marts bargain bin of 9 bucks.