Garbage...Plain and Simple!

User Rating: 2.1 | The Sopranos: Road to Respect PS2
Not much to say about this piece of work, except "OUCH" for the money that was spent on it! I was hasty in my purchase, thinking that it may have some of the same qualities as "The Godfather"....not even close!! The Godfather was a masterpeice and this attempt at a game is sheer JUNK! It was sloppy and clumsy, the story line was jumbled and thready....but hey!! the foul language was top notch! Since when do you have to fill each sentence with cuss words in order to create a sense of reality? Intelligent people understand by the sheer nature of the business that the thugs are in, that it is violent, seedy and shady, the use of the bad language simply darkened the atmosphere for me. In short order the entire game was like "finger nails" on a blackboard....

This game is just damn bad!!