This is the last season of The Sopranos HBO program. HERE'S THE DEAL...IF YOU'RE A FAN OF THE SOPRANOS...BUY THIS GAME!

User Rating: 8.1 | The Sopranos: Road to Respect PS2
HERE'S THE DEAL IF YOU'RE A FAN OF THE SOPRANOS (TV SHOW) BUY THIS GAME! The Sopranos is one of the most well-known, best-loved television series ever released on cable television. There's no doubt about it, they have a huge fan base. Most guys love the show. I think it represents a side of society most guys fantasize about being involved in at one time or another in life. I mean who wouldn't want to have all the power and money of Tony Soprano; to be able to do what you want when you want, order people around, beat up and knock off rats and backstabbers without consequence of law. It's the whole gangster lifestyle. Even though they're involved in illegal business they still have their own strict senses of respect and loyalty and family. And for whatever reasons, that appeals to alot of people. It can be an exciting life. Now most everyone knows what happens most of the time when a movie is made into a video game. Most of the time it doesn't work well. But this is very different here. First of all, they took all of the actual actors from the show to do the voices in the game. The graphical likeness of the characters is done brilliantly. And foremost, the storyline of the game makes you feel like you're in an actual episode of the show. The game makes you feel like you're part of the Soprano-family organization and you start out by doing small jobs and favors for the Captains of the crew and for Tony. I haven't got too far into the game yet (maybe 3 or 4 hours playtime) but I have a good idea of the overall game. If you're a real fan of the show, definitely get the game. It does the show extreme justice. They must have used the same writers because there's lots of little things in the dialogue that are righ-on and would be missed by an outsider. All of the lingo and slang is right on. Basically, the game is a 3rd person shooter/action game. You're not always using firearms. Actually so far, more often than not I'm using my fists and random items that are laying around for weapons. There's alot of fighting and violence going on. Pretty much violence is the answer to every situation.......which I don't mind one bit in a video game. That's what the game is for. Some may say that we've seen this type of 3rd person shooter game a thousand times before and that may be close to true but you haven't seen it with the Sopranos characters. You've never had Paulie "Walnuts" tell you to stuff a guys face in the toilet or Tony Soprano telling you to make some rat be able to see out the back of his head. And the very fact that it's the Sopranos makes all the difference. The storyline and the characters make all the difference in this game because it is a genuine article. It's the real deal Soprano-style. It's right on and you can tell (I've seen the making of......Road to Respect on HBO) that all the actors had an integral part of creating the game. True there's nothing groundbreaking in the gameplay, the weapons, the action, or strategy, or even graphics but it is groundbreaking in the fact that for all the true fans of The Sopranos who this season will say goodbye forever to the Family being that this is the very last season of the show with only 8 more episodes ever; for all those fans......this game will provide a way to reminisce and hang out with all our favorite Soprano's characters for years to come. We can join the family and go to the BAda Bing and see the ladies and shoot a few rats with Tony and the family anytime we want even though our favorite program has pulled the plug.