Platformer Fans:Do not pass this game by!
Gameplay:The Gameplay in this game is a platformers dream. The controls are perfect and the levels are built just right. Switching between Spongebob and Patrick to take on different challenges (Yes challenges, can you get all 68 GG tokens?) just feels right in this sort of game. And by collecting "manliness points" you can upgrade your characters skills (More health, stronger spin attack, ect.) The only part of the gameplay that really bothers me is the difficulty variation. You can breeze through lever 4 for example in about 10 minutes, but I was stuck on level 5 for an hour! Overall this is nicely done and since it's rare I'll give it an 8/10
Graphics: The graphics in this game portray Bikini Bottom as it is, a undersea funland, and you'll visit new places in this game including a desert, a canyon, a beach, and more! The cut-scenes could've been improved a little more and some characters could be tweaked a little but overall I give it another 8/10
Sound: The sound in this game is above average, but the best background music in the game usually gets blurred out by sound effects and Spongebob and Patricks chattering. The sound also cuts off about three seconds before a cutscene or the end of the level which just sounds cheap. A large variation of phrases and music makes up for these slight glitches though, so this is one game you won't mute, but you might turn down a knotch. i give the sound a 7/10
Value:With 68 different challenges, about 20 levels and a LOT of secret treasure chests to collect (Not to mention weights, whih upgrade your characters abilities), this game will keep you going for a long time. Although you could sit down and beat it in a week easy (Maybe even half that), you'd be missing out on one of the games best features, it's platformer roots.Although a multiplayer or co-op would be nice, I give the value a 9/10.
Tilt-I really had a great time with this game (Mainly because I love platformers) so i give it a tilt of 10!
So maybe this won't be your next big purchase but if your a platformer fan (or if you enjoy spongebob) grab this the next time you pass your bargain bin, believe me it's worth it! Alltogether I give Spongebob the Movie a 8.6 out of 10...