This game is 10/10.
I can find nothing wrong with it, no matter how hard I look.
There are so many choices...there must be hundreds... there must be at least 14 hours of content in this, just because each tiny choice sends you spiralling into a million other tiny choices, which each in turn spiral in more and more tiny choices, and so on, and so forth. I just can't stop playing.
I can't help but feel the intense, bitter irony of the whole game. And there's a message behind this game. A very deep one. I just have yet to find it. You will feel it too, a clever, profound meaning that shakes you to your core. God, it's so complicated to explain in a review. Just trust me on this one. Go out and play this game.
'When the reader read the review, he decided to go out and buy the game, to see if it was as good as the hype suggested.'