Wow, tough one. Great shooter.

User Rating: 8.3 | The Suffering: Ties That Bind PC
I've been playing this for 2 weeks, a hour or two a day. I started the game on normal. Wish I woulda started it on easy to get used to the game play and where to go, etc. I have been killed many many times. It takes a few tries in many areas to get the right combo of weapons and or when to use insanity. The story is good, and the graphics are good also. weapons are the usual fair, and pretty realistic as far as distance, sound, and acuracy. I like the choice to be good, nuetral, or evil. I'm playing good the first round, and think I'll kill em all in the next play. To be honest, I would have used a god mode by now in a few areas just to punch through to the next checkpoint. Saves are great and can be done anywhere. Very handy.