great game... but (click continue to know more ^_^ )
good: new creatures new exciting story and plenty of blood and guts and great weapons... graphics are awsome and so is the sound... everything about this game is great its a good sequal to the first which had alot of people turning off the xbox going WTF!!! (in a good way) bassicly its great and some cool features including this thing where you can choose to be good evil or neutral and probably seen in videos from the game it shows you that what ever you choose changes your so called insane mode... if that makes any sence
bad: the game is too god damn short... i beat it in three days and not spending hours on end... if there is a 3rd i will get it.... but hoping its longer (please be for xbox cuz i aint payin $500 still) i didnt beat the first due to it kept on freezing when you meet those two security guards outside and didnt let me good further... all copies of it did it to me and i did change my xbox and still nothing... but anyways this is a review on the 2nd... and if you dont have it and came across this to read the game is great!!! but short in my eyes BUT!!! its very sick and thats always good and for the price its at now... its worth it but if you are really good at these games go rent it