Forget the gameplay ... immerse yourself in a virtual horror movie that takes you along for the ride.
This game is wierd, creepy and very immersive. It can be third or first person shooter ... or adventure ... or just a creepy thrill, take your pick.
You being in the prison yard when all of a sudden all hell breaks loose ... and i may mean that literally. creepiness, gore, and spine tingles abound as you make your way through the adventure and eventually ... well i don't want to spoil where this thing is going. My point is, just play the bloody game ( a description not a profanity) If you like a good horror movie this is plenty of bang (and slash) for your buck. As far as longevity goes, i think that's the only downside. When you've done it, you've done it but there are so many games that are that way that i really wouldnt let that minor factor deter you. Buy it, play it through ... play it through again with company to creep them out ... then trade it if you like but really .... you gotta try this thing!