NOt a great sequal

User Rating: 6.5 | The Suffering: Ties That Bind PS2
I played the Suffering on the Xbox about a year ago and really enjoyed that game. So, I decided to pick up The Suffering: Ties that Bind and see how the tale of torque ends. Well, lets just say, this story was awesome. read on:

Gameplay: 5/10

The camera is absolutely horrid in this game. It goes into walls and makes you miss ALOT when you are in Third Person. To make matters worse, the camera actually cheats you out of good cutscenes. The guns aren't all that great either, since the most effective thing is a shotgun, rocket launcher, and maybe the Tommy gun. Everything else was very poorly made. my finaly complaint is that this game has too many "lost" moments. These moments are either you don't know what to do next, or the cutscene froze but you can still move(wonderful).

Graphics: 4/10

This is a PS2 game alright. The graphics are downright horrid in this game, from face models to monster detail. maybe it isn't this bad on Xbox, but this is not pretty at all on the PS2. Sound: 9/10

The main part of this game is the sound, which is done very well. I think this probably the most focused on part of the game, being its so well done and the rest is crap.

Value: 8/10

Yea, its good horror fest for 15 bucks. go out and get it, but don't expect to be loving every moment of this game. (DAMN CAMERA)

Tilt: 9/10 I LOVE this story. The characters are so awesome and Torque is the man. when he turns into the monster, step back or your a dead man! I just wish that they would make everything better in this game.

-The horror-filled story
-The gripping music
-The characters are memorable

-The broken camera
-The broken gameplay
-The broken graphics

Overall: 6.9/10
Pick it up for the story, then toss it away after that.