A tepid rehash of the superior first game.
As for Ties that bind this isn't the case.
Unfortunately the creepy feeling of the first game seems very forced here.
It feels like Torque is only back to do a sequel not because he has some unfinished business or that the story would demand it.
And to make it even more dull the gameplay isn't as fun as it was anymore.
The animatons of Torque seem a little awkward and the weapons aren't really fun. Thats mainly because they sound wrong and muffled for the most part. Only the shotguns have a little boom to them but the revolver and 1911 colt just sound like toy guns.
The level design lacks some interesting enviroments and making a city whith very narrow space to act the main show, doesn't help either.
Technicaly there are some sound problems with the 3D buffer option and Creative Audigy (and below) cards. Which means you have to turn this feature off and flatten the sound even more by doing so.
At the end The Suffering Ties that bind couln't recreate the great atmosphere and uniqueness from the first part.
It seems that the developers weren't as ambitious as with original The Suffering game.
Even if you're a die hard fan of the first game you would be better of playing the first part again than ruining the experience with this one.